July 27, 2024

Girls: It’s OK to Want a Man to Take Care of You

Jackie Dee

A Primer on the Detriments of the Feminist Movement

I have fought against marriage most of my life – not intentionally so, and for very wrong reasons. It’s only been in recent times that I’ve been surrendering to the idea that it’s OK to want this in the truest traditional sense, in being the housewife and mother and letting a husband take charge, and to want this for the better good of a family unit. I’m no longer ashamed to admit it. I want to be the woman, and all that entails. As I grew into adulthood, I never had the opportunity to just be the woman, the homemaker. I’ve scrambled, scraped, and struggled as a single parent – my own bad choices – and I regret it and wish I’d aspired to simply be a wife and mother. What could be more important? These days it often takes two to run a household and keep bills paid. If you look at all the divorces in our culture today, women often have to bring in half of the income, be the nurturer of kids and the rest of the family unit, the maid, and the sexy wife all at the same time; it’s too much, there can be an imbalance and a building of contempt and resentment. Give thanks to the feminist movement – I think not – where too much is expected of women. I often argue it’s led to the moral decline in our society, perhaps the number one reason.
Still, I hope girls will understand this: it’s OK to aspire to be a housewife and mother; I encourage it. But you cannot do and have it all.
Many no doubt will cringe at this thought, but it’s a fact that women are biologically predisposed to feel this way. Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology, who’s very visible on social media and author of 12 Rules for Life, has spoken extensively about various aspects of human nature, including the roles of men and women in society. One of his perspectives is that women instinctively seek out partners who can provide security and resources, which he links to evolutionary psychology. Peterson often refers to the concept of “hypergamy,” which suggests that women tend to select mates who are of higher status or have greater resources than themselves. He argues that this behavior is rooted in evolutionary needs, where women historically needed to ensure the survival of their offspring by selecting partners who could offer stability and protection.

For a long time, men have often been the protectors and providers, while women have taken care of the home and kids. This isn’t just a social thing; it’s also because of our natural instincts. The feminist movement changed everything.

The feminist movement had a huge impact on thoughts regarding the idea that women should be taken care of by men. Here are some of the ways in which feminism has influenced this:
  • Feminism includes the idea women shouldn’t be dependent on men for care and protection
  • Feminism advocates for equal rights, opportunities, and treatment for all genders, challenging the idea that women should be in a subservient or dependent position to men
  • Feminism emphasizes women’s empowerment, encouraging women to assert their independence, make their own choices, and take control of their lives, including their financial and personal well-being
  • Overall, the feminist movement has played a crucial role in challenging the idea that women should be taken care of by men, promoting instead the ideals of independence, equality, and mutual respect in relationships

Feminism and Societal Decline

Though feminism has brought about significant advancements in gender equality, it has greatly contributed to the decline of traditional family structures. The push for absolute independence can sometimes undermine the value of interdependence in relationships, leading to fragmented families and a sense of disconnection.
  • Critics argue that the emphasis on individualism and independence promoted by feminism has contributed to changing family structures, with fewer people adhering to traditional models of marriage and family. This, they argue, has led to a decline in stable family units
  • It’s also said that the breakdown of traditional family structures can have negative effects on children, leading to issues such as lower academic achievement, higher rates of delinquency, and emotional instability
  • It’s believed that feminism has contributed to economic pressures on families, with more women entering the workforce leading to changes in family dynamics and increased stress on relationships
This idea that the feminist movement has contributed to the downfall of society or the breakup of families is a highly debated topic. It’s important to note that many different perspectives exist on this issue; this is just mine.

Back to Wanting a Man

Wanting a man to take care of you doesn’t mean you’re weak. It’s a perfectly valid feeling. I hope that sharing my own story can show that a change in mindset is possible and fulfilling. In critiquing feminism’s role in adding pressures on women to balance multiple roles, I hope this article suggests that traditional roles are worthy of seeking. I also hope it encourages young women to make choices that align with their own personal desires and empowers them to aspire to be housewives and mothers if that’s what they truly want. These are great dreams to have.

About the author 

Jackie Dee

Jackie Dee is a writer and editor with a background in printing and publishing. She is the founder of Headliners Mission Group, where she leads the launch of an online magazine focused on serving teens in Licking County, Ohio.



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