July 27, 2024

I Miss Living Downtown!

Jackie Dee

Send us pictures of your favorite images or spots around town!

Living on Newark's Courthouse Square for two years, I got to view the courthouse right outside my window. It lit up my place and I counted on all of its wonderful attributes - the bell ringing telling me the time, the music that sometimes flowed from it, and just the light that I'd gaze upon from my bedroom window at night when trying to fall asleep. These are just some of the pictures I took during that time. I like the purple one the best!! Show us your pictures, and provide a caption if you do.        

About the author 

Jackie Dee

Jackie Dee is a writer and editor with a background in printing and publishing. She is the founder of Headliners Mission Group, where she leads the launch of an online magazine focused on serving teens in Licking County, Ohio.



Do You Know God?

Discover the true nature of God and His desire to be a part of your life. earn how God is not distant, but actively involved, and how His love is a promise that He will never break. Find out how to connect with God and let Him be a part of your journey.

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Graduates in High Demand with Local Employers

In a recent interview with Brian Wilfong, communications coordinator for C-TEC (Career & Technology Centers of Licking County), he discusses growing areas of study, the comparison between trade schools and four-year universities, the guidance their trade school provides, and the admissions process. With many programs completed in a year, multiple certifications and articulations available, lower cost, and smaller class sizes, C-TEC offers an alternative education option for students looking for immediate goals and return on investment.

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Donations Wanted for Rally in the Alley

Join us at Newark City Schools’ Rally in the Alley on Saturday, August 12, 2023 from 9 till 11 am at The Works. We are seeking clothing, uniforms, coats, shoes toiletries, backpacks and anything useful for teens. Message us to arrange drop-off or pickup of items. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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Attention Licking County Teens ...

Have you ever wanted to share your ideas and thoughts with others? Then Headliners is for YOU.