April 9, 2024

Unlocking Your Passion

Jackie Dee

Toss Aside Meaningless Pursuits and Exercise Focus

I moved to San Francisco at age 21 in the mid ’90s thinking I was going to take the world by storm – that I was going to be the Pat Benatar of the grunge movement. With just a few boxes and a few hundred dollars, I was easily and quickly able to finagle housing and a job. I quickly learned that one job would not be enough, though. I didn’t know it at the time, but one choice I made back then would squash my dreams of rockstardom: I could either live comfortably in my own studio in the posh neighborhood of the Marina; I lived on famous Lombard Street, known as the “crookedest street in the world.” That meant I would have to work multiple jobs in order to maintain that lifestyle. Or, I could choose to live the life of a beggar, in squalor, camping out on someone’s living room floor in Haight Ashbury while I pursued my singing aspirations. I chose to have my own place.

Thirty years later, I don’t have too many regrets; if I truly wanted to become a singer, I would have had the drive to pursue it. The daydreams were really just that – and a means of escapism. I think about that impressionable time in my life, though, in how that decision completely altered the trajectory of my life. Instead of confronting fear and the unknown, I chose the path of least resistance. There would always be time to pursue singing later.

But there wasn’t.

I wasn’t clear and firm in the path I wanted to take in life. The sooner you’re able to figure this out in your youth, the better. People live their entire lives trying to figure out what they’re passionate about, dabbling aimlessly in all sorts of endeavors trying to find something that sticks. I’ve done this, too.

College, marriage, and children came – beautiful things, and surely God’s will for me. It’s only in recent years that I’ve been able to narrow down my loves and toss aside meaningless pursuits. Whenever I have conversations with other people about finding purpose and passion, I will often ask this: If you had all the time in the world, what’s one thing that you would do for free?

As I reflect on my journey, I realize that the key to finding passion lies in focus. It’s about honing in on what truly drives you, what sets your soul on fire, and relentlessly pursuing it. My own experience serves as a testament to this truth.

In San Francisco, as reality set in, I found myself at a crossroads. I had to make a choice between comfort and pursuing my passion wholeheartedly. Opting for the former, I settled into a life that veered away from my musical aspirations. Having a lack of focus hindered this.

Daydreams can only take you so far; it’s the decisive action and unwavering dedication that truly propel you forward.

In choosing this path of least resistance, I delayed the realization of my true desires.

But it’s never too late to course-correct. Over the years, I’ve come to understand the importance of clarity and determination in chasing one’s passions. It’s about stripping away the extraneous pursuits and zeroing in on what truly matters.

For me, the turning point has come with introspection. I began asking myself the tough questions, probing deep into my heart to unearth my true calling. And slowly but surely, clarity has been emerging. I’ve discovered what I would do without hesitation, anytime.

It’s a great question to ask yourself in search of your passion:

What ignites your soul? What would you do tirelessly, even if there were no external rewards? It’s in answering these questions that we find our true way.

So, to the dreamers and seekers out there, I urge you to embrace focus. Be unwavering in your pursuit of passion, for it is through focus that we unlock the boundless potential within ourselves. And remember, it’s never too late to chase your dreams – but the sooner you start, the brighter the journey ahead.

About the author 

Jackie Dee

Jackie Dee is a writer and editor with a background in printing and publishing. She is the founder of Headliners Mission Group, where she leads the launch of an online magazine focused on serving teens in Licking County, Ohio.



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